keskiviikko 10. marraskuuta 2010


Hola! I'm sitting on the grass. I can feel how the sun burns my cheeks. There's a little breeze that reaches me every now and then and makes me tolerate this lovely heat a bit better. I can see that the summer has finally arrived, I can feel it, I can hear it, I can smell it. And I just love to dip myself to that swimming pool everytime it gets a little bit too hot or if I've exhausted myself by playing football with Chaco. My life right now is almost too good to be true. I'm inlove and I'm in fucking Argentina. ;)

During these few days I've been listening to a bunch of bands that I had never even heard of before. All of them are spanish/latin american bands, naturally, because it's a good way for me to internalize the lyrics and thus the language. Anyway I'm really blown away by the music. I don't know if I'm just flying due to this comfortable feeling I've got inside and finding positive things about everything. But I want to share some songs with you. These are my favourites at the moment.

I hope you like these as much as I do. They make me happy.

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