Big things have been going on in my life during the past year. Everything happened so fast and it's still kind of freaking me out (in a good way).
About a year ago I decided that I'm going to move to Argentina. Before that I was planning on moving to India but luckily I came up with better ideas. When I had made my decision everything happened quite fast. I started working my ass off to earn as much money as possible, I sold all my furniture and clothes, I moved out from my apartment and quit my job. At the same time I was trying to enjoy of the compan of my friends because I knew I wouldn't see them for a long time after I leave.
No furniture left, just a mattress on the floor. |
Being with old friends |
Being with new friends |
Everything was so hectic and I was feeling both nervous and excited. A few times I stopped to think what the hell am I doing but mostly I was looking forward to everything. I remember the day before I left I was feeling kind of blue about the trip. I don't know why, maybe because of my byebye party that made me emotional or something else. Stress?
So finally the day came, I took a plane with my friend to Berlin, spent a couple of days there, then a flight to Rome and spent a couple of days there as well.
Finally it was time for us to go on our seperate ways and my actual adventure was about to begin. I first flew to Madrid and from there to Buenos Aires. I had a friend, the only person I knew in the whole Argentina, waiting for me at the airport. It was all so weird and it took a couple of days to realize where I was and what was going on. The first month I lived with the friend.
It was a nice and smooth start, I had one month to make new friends and contacts, find a real apartment, enjoy Buenos Aires etc. The month went by quickly and soon I moved to a new house with 5 other travellers from all over the world. It was a great house to live in, you were never alone at home, there was always someone. Some of the people became very close to me while some of them didn't. I quess that's normal.
When I moved to this new house I had already met Marcos. Actually I met him after two weeks in BA. I definitely wasn't looking for anything special but it just happened. So I was seeing this guy and everything felt so lovely.
The more time we spent together the more I was falling for him. After some months of ups and downs we decided to move together. That was a big step for me, I was about to move out of BA to a smaller city called Pilar.
Here I am now. I like to live here, it's calm and nice and the city is still close to me and I can go there whenever I want but I have to admit that I hope that some day we will move there again.
Anyway, for the past year my life has been quite crazy. A lot of good stuff but also crying, missing my friends, being unsecure of all this, having second thoughts but that is probably normal because moving to a new country is a big change.
Soon I will turn 23 (partyyyy) and there's gonna be "1 year in Argentina" (partyyyy). Yeah, I definitely think that both of those are worth of partying and I think I truly deserve a party!
Fuck, writing all this and thinking of it makes me quite speechless... What a crazy bitch I am. :P But damn I'm proud of myself. Who knows what will I come up with in the future. I hope that Argentina will not be the last foreing country for me to live in.
I think that all of you that are planning on going to explore the world should stop hesitating and DO IT!! It's never too late! =)
(oh, sorry for this longlonglong post) :D